How KN95 Masks Work Against COVID 19 Effectiveness and Filtration Efficiency

As per the recent survey, it has been found that KN95 masks are not as effective as N95 masks which have been having a short supply.

However, KN95 masks can be used in high maintenance areas. The masks have been highly effective in eliminating the spread of the COVID-19. Though both masks are said to filter 95% of germs and viruses. The respirators of K95 are different from that of N95.

Healthcare industry is still importing PPE kits due to worldwide shortages. Hospitals have been reporting bigger challenges in ordering masks.

KN95s Masks Work for Non-Healthcare Settings

Only because KN95 masks do not meet certain health standards, it doesn’t mean that they are completely useless.

 KN95 masks that do not meet certain health standards still provide more respiratory protection than surgical or cloth masks and can be used in some limited clinical settings.

However they should only be used as the last resort while treating patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.

There are a lot of masks that are not certified and have head and neck straps that ensure the air is being filtered. They are different from those with ear loops.

Other Concerns

This is not the first time that the quality of masks has come into question. Though it is known that many respirators have filed to meet the 95% filtration standard.

How To Find Out If The Masks Are Fake

There are some important steps in which you can take to determine if the masks you are buying are original. There are six main points to check its authenticity.

  • The approval stamp is either missing or spelled wrongly on the face mask.
  • The mask has ear loops instead of headbands.
  • The approval number is not listed on the face of the mask or the headband.
  • The mask company claims approval for use by children.
  • There is a presence of decorative add-ons.
  • The manufacturing number is not visible on the mask.

However, there are some people who choose to wear a disposable mask under their cloth mask. That way, the cloth mask should press the corners of the disposable mask against the face. One should not add layers if it obstructs your vision or makes it hard for you to breathe.

Proper use, storage and cleaning of masks also effects how well they protect you. Follow the steps given below for putting on and taking off your mask:

  1. Wash or sanitize your hands thoroughly before and after putting on your mask.
  2. Always place your mask over your mouth and nose and chin.
  3. Tie it behind your head or use ear loops.
  4. Do not touch your mask while wearing it.
  5. If you accidentally touch your mask, wash or sanitize your hands.
  6. If your mask becomes wet or dirty, immediately switch to a clean one. Dispose off the used mask in a sealable bag.
  7. Remove the mask by untying it or lifting off the ear loops without touching it.
  8. Wash your hands immediately after removing the mask.
  9. Regularly wash cloth masks in the washing machine or by hand.

Do not forget these precautions:

  • Never put on masks on anyone who has any kind of respiratory problem or gets unconscious or is otherwise unable to remove the mask without help.
  • Never put masks on children under the age of 2 years.
  • Never use face masks as a substitute for physical distancing.

How Long Can You Reuse KN95 For?

  • It is important to keep in mind that most masks are only intended to be used once and to be replaced when needed.
  • The usage or reuse of masks totally depends on the comfort of a person and some other factors.
  • Always remember that if you are continuously washing the same mask then it may deteriorate and should be changed immediately.
  • If the mask gets deteriorated then it should be deposed off and replaced immediately. It is essential to review the mask after each use and washing. If the mask is losing its elasticity that it will no longer cover the face effectively. Hence should be replaced at the earliest.