How Often Should You Use Hand Sanitizers in a Day

Over the last some years, people have been instructed to frequently wash their hands with soap and water and use hand sanitizers in between. But still, there is a lot of debate about whether using hand sanitizers and the frequency of their usage helps eliminate and control the spread of bacteria, illnesses and viruses.

We have all seen individuals who are always carry hand sanitizers wherever they go, with a stock to sanitize the entire community. We have also seen parents who also carry sanitizing wipes and wipe down every surface around children will they are eating or playing, as well as sanitizing their hands, toys, and things around.

Whether you are an avid user of hand sanitizer or only use it during certain time in a year, there are certain areas in work environments where it is important and should not be taken casually. Some of the common places where frequent sanitizing is highly recommended are: Hospitals, Food sector inclusive of hotels, cafes and restaurants, nursing homes, doctor clinics, emergency rooms, casinos, cash counters and shared office environments.

In each of the above mentioned work environment, the spread of germs and viruses is much higher. Just imagine how many different things and surfaces we touch with our hands every day. We open and close doors, touch keyboards, open and close drawers, smartphones, shake hands, and many such things. Moreover, we also use our hands to cover our face during coughing and sneezing.

While choosing a hand sanitizer, we must ensure to choose a sanitizer that contains between 60-95%  of alcohol.

We should always use a hand sanitizer, before and after touching a surface other people have already touched. It’s always a great idea to wipe down the handle of the shopping cart before using it. It’s also recommended to use a sanitizer after you’ve pushed a cart around the store, after filling your vehicle with fuel, while handling money and after touching elevator buttons or door handles. Always wash your hands (with either soap and water or hand sanitizer) every time you cough and sneeze.

Using hand sanitizer frequently can make your hands very rough and dry. If that happens, make sure once your hands are dry, you apply a hand lotion.

Always remember, hand sanitizers won’t help you get rid of all germs. Also you shouldn’t use sanitizers if your hands are greasy or dirty. However, there is no substitute for soap and water.

Ever since the outbreak of COVID – 19 we are using hand sanitizers much more than before. Proper washing of hands and using a hand sanitizer is not possible, can save all of us from bacteria and viruses. Whenever we are outdoors riding in a car, playing in a park or shopping, it's not possible to use soap and water to wash hands. This is where we all have to rely upon alcohol-based sanitizers. During these unprecedented times, frequent use of sanitizer is recommended by the government itself.

Sanitizers also kill the useful bacteria, which is beneficial for our body, which in turn can be very harmful to healthy bacterial habitat. The solution for this is that people should use hand sanitizer with precaution and use them they don't have access to soap and water.

When Not to Use It

Hand sanitizer should not an alternative for soap and water when:

  1. Washing hands is convenient
  2. When hands are quite greasy or dirty
  3. When there is chemicals on your hands
  4. When you have been exposed to infectious agents that cannot killed by hand sanitizer
  5. When you are in a high-infection situation

To keep yourself and the people around you healthy, it's very important to clean your hands after you've used washroom or prepared food. Rigorously washing your hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds is best the best thing to do.

Below are Some Ways in Which We Can Control the Spread of Germs and Viruses:

  1. Turn on the water with make your hands wet and take the soap with wet hands and lather.
  2. Lather the soap on both hands and ensure that its used upto wrists, between your fingers and nails.
  3. Vigorously rub your hands for atleast 20 seconds.
  4. Rinse your hands well
  5. Throughly dry your hands with a clean and dry towel.

Everyone should be very mindful of washing your hands often during this pandemic.

Washing your hands is an easy and effective way to stop the spread of germs and the best thing is, it’s completely in your control.

Hand sanitizer